As the First professial FOF manager in China since 2006, we have invested to date 196+ funds managed by 99+ managers through 4 flagship funds and 1 SMA

In 2006
Oriza Holdings (formerly known as "SZVC UOB Venture") and China Development Bank jointly established China's first market oriented professional FoF, which was entrusted and managed by Oriza FoFs.
Founded by China-Singapore Venture Capital and China Development Bank
China’s First Marketized Professional Fund of Funds
Managed by Oriza FOFs Management Team
Assets Under Management
Total Size of Portfolio Funds
+Portfolio Companies
+Professional Team Members

We have built the largest portfolio of VC funds in China
We have the largest and continuously growing portfolio of venture capital funds in China. Created China’s first vibrant management team community

Endure · Evolve · Excel
Integrity · Innovation · Excellence
Leading the largest VC community in China, we have been witnessing and deeply participating in the astonishing economic growth and industry development of China since 2006.
We have witnessed and been a part of the rapid growth of China’s venture capital industry
Continue to lead the highest standard of the industry